Give me a long M – Mmmmmmm
Give me a short m- M
don’t want no pop no pop
don’t want no tea no tea
just give me that milk
moo moo moo moo (one person sticks thumbs down and another pulls them as if milking a cow)
Wisconsin milk moo moo moo moo (the other person sticks thumbs down and another pulls them as if milking a cow)
Give me a long I – IIIIIIIII
Give me a short i – i
don’t want no pop no pop
don’t want no tea no tea
just give me that milk
moo moo moo moo (one person sticks thumbs down and another pulls them as if milking a cow)
Wisconsin milk moo moo moo moo (the other person sticks thumbs down and another pulls them as if milking a cow)
Give me a long L– LLLLLL
give me a short L — L
don’t want no pop no pop
don’t want no tea no tea
moo moo moo moo (one person sticks thumbs down and another pulls them as if milking a cow)
Wisconsin milk moo moo moo moo (the other person sticks thumbs down and another pulls them as if milking a cow)
Give me a long K — KKKKKKKKKK
give me a short k — K
don’t want no pop no pop
don’t want no tea no tea
just give me that milk
moo moo moo moo (one person sticks thumbs down and another pulls them as if milking a cow)
Wisconsin milk moo moo moo moo (the other person sticks thumbs down and another pulls them as if milking a cow)
Give me a long milk – CHOCOLATE
give me a short milk – SKIM
don’t want no pop no pop
don’t want no tea no tea
moo moo moo moo (one person sticks thumbs down and another pulls them as if milking a cow)
Wisconsin milk moo moo moo moo (the other person sticks thumbs down and another pulls them as if milking a cow)
© Copyright Unknown